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Home > SELLmatix Help > Getting Started > Samples > Overview

Samples Overview
This section covers the SELLmatix Sample Configurations that demonstrate how to implement many SELLmatix features.

As a minimum, you should work through the basic sample because it covers the features that are used by most sites and explains the basics in some detail. In many cases, an understanding of the Basic Sample is all you need to understand in order to start working on your own configuration.

The basic sample is an imaginary configuration we created to demonstrate a wide range of features that are commonly used. While it can be adapted for use in some sites it is probably not suitable for many sites as it stands. It is merely designed to demonstrate possibilities.

The other sample configurations are all based on sites where SELLmatix has been installed and is used. Information that is confidential to the site has been removed but the configuration is very similar to what they use.

These samples are not examples of the most common type of SELLmatix installation, or even best practice. Their purpose is to demonstrate something unusual or worthy of comment. In some cases these samples can you how to do something. In other cases they can show you what to avoid.

The other samples are covered in less detail than the basic sample, and explanations covered in the basic sample are not repeated. The other samples assume that you already know and understand what is covered in the basic sample.

It is not necessary to have all the POS hardware set up in order to start familiarising yourself with SELLmatix, or these sample configurations. Systems are often configured with all the records and data before installing the hardware.

Some of the features in these samples are best illustrated where certain devices such as receipt printers and barcode scanners are available, though you don't need to have all the devices used in the samples in order to understand what is taking place.

If you don't have a receipt printer, then in most cases you can use a Windows Page Printer and while the output might be strange, it should be sufficient to show you what is happening.

SELLmatix defines devices by function, and it is common to have one physical device performing a number of SELLmatix functions. There is no reason why you could not have the following SELLmatix devices all be the same physical device:-

  • POS's receipt Printer
  • Control's Account Printer
  • Control's Order Printer 1
  • Control's Order Printer 2
  • Control's Order Printer 3
  • etc...
In such cases where documents would otherwise print at the same time on multiple printers, they will simply print in sequence on the one device.

This is an important feature of SELLmatix because if one device on a site failed, the documents it would normally print can be routed to another device anywhere on the site in a matter of seconds, minimising the inconvenience and downtime.

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