Subsidised Enhancements |
Subsidised enhancements share the first criteria we consider when looking at
uncharged enhancements, however some of the other criteria of uncharged
enhancements are relaxed.
In other words, the features requested are features which we believe will enhance the product for users overall. There are a number of other factors which mean that it does not qualify for inclusion as an uncharged enhancement and so the cost of the enhancement is subsidised by and also by the customers requesting the enhancement. Circumstances which may make a feature qualify for subsidised enhancement, but not uncharged enhancement include the following:-
With subsidised enhancements, both sides have responsibilities and benefits. We understand the time constraints and value of the contribution made by the customers, particularly with testing, when subsidised enhancement takes place, and we do deliver on time with code that meets the requirements specified. With subsidised enhancement however, there is a corresponding responsibility from the customer to us. In such cases, we are contributing a substantial part of the costs, either by way of a fixed charge, or by a reduced rate hourly charge. In the event where we are prevented or delayed in performing our responsibilities because the customer has not completed what they have agreed to do, or because they are not ready, then our waiting time is charged at the rate applied for full custom development, not subsidised development. If you wish to discuss subsidised enhancement of our software to meet the particular requirements of your business please send email to with details of the features you would like to see modified. |