Print/View Reports Menu
Inventory Reports...
Customer Reports...
Online Reports...
Labels & Cards...


There are a number of report options which are common for most SELLmatix Reports except for the Labels and Cards. Depending on the report, a dialog allowing you to select Report options will appear similar to the following:-

Report Options In the majority of cases, the report will be generated using data stored on the computer where the report is run.

However you can also run reports using data sourced from other systems connected through Connection Manager. If you wish to run a report using another system, select the system you want to supply the data from the "Source Data From" list.

Sourcing data from another machine takes longer, because for each line on the report, Control has to send a request to the remote machine and await a response. If the other machine is on your local LAN, then it is almost as fast as sourcing the data from the machine you are using. But if the other computer is in another country connected by a slow dial-up connection, then it will take longer.

Often there will be other criteria you can use to determine what information will be shown, but this varies based on the type of report.

You choose to have the report display in a window on the screen or printed.


Inventory Reports
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Product Listing

This report is the inventory master list. You can select a department so that only products in that department will be printed, or you can print the products in all departments.
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Department Listing

This report is the department master listing. All departments are shown in this report.
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Stock Reorder Report

This report shows items where the Quantity of available Stock on Hand is less than the reorder level.

Available stock is defined as the quantity of Stock on Hand less the quantity allocated. Allocated stock occurs in a restaurant where an item is ordered and taken to a table, however the sale is not yet finalised.

This report can be restricted to a single department, or you can print items needing to be reordered from all departments.

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Stock Sales Report

Report Options The stock sales report shows item sales within a selectable period.

Not all selection criteria need to be entered, however you do need to select the year.

A wildcard (*) means anything within that selection criteria.

For example, selecting "*" in the month would select all months within the year or in other words, the entire year. If the year selected was the current year, then the report would show year to date figures.

Selecting "*" in the day would mean all days within the month selected. To select a day, you must also select a month. Stock sales do not tie in with Z-Reads on the POS terminals. Z-Reads exist for the purpose of till balancing. SELLmatix does not require Z-Reads to be performed at any particular time and management may decide not all perform Z-Reads on all POS terminals at the same time or even the same frequency.

The dates and times used in this report are based on when the sale was processed according to the system clock of the terminal where the sale was processed.

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Stock On Hand

This report shows the quantity of stock on hand. You can select a department so that only products in that department will be printed, or you can print the products in all departments.
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Stocktake Variance Report

This report shows stocktake variances when a stocktake has been performed. The report shows the date, time terminal, Clerk and details of the adjustment performed.
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Customer Reports
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Customer Listing

This report is the customer master list. This report is a detailed listing of customer details.
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Customer Balances

This report is the customer account balances.
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Customer Transactions

This report shows customer the transaction listing for a customer.

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Online Reports
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X-Z Reads

This report shows an X-Read for one of the terminals connected to the system, or if "This Computer" is selected, the total for all lower level terminals.
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Remote Order Manager

This report shows what is in Order Manager on a remote system. While you could run this report using data from "This Computer", it would be quite pointless to do so, since order manager must be displayed anyhow to produce this information.
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Label/Card Menu
Links on this Page

Print Shelf Labels...
Reset Label Flags...
Print Product Labels...
Print Customer Cards...
Print Clerk Cards...


Print Shelf Labels
Shelf Label Dialog

When this option is selected, a Dialog Box appears allowing you to choose various options for printing shelf labels. The following label printing options are available:-

Select Label Format
SELLmatix Control supports an unlimited number of different shelf label formats. Many retailers use smaller shelf labels for every product they stock, which allows them to print 22 labels (or more) per page. For items that they are promoting, they are able to use larger, more prominent labels. This option allows selecting from the currently available range of label formats. For information about modifying or creating label formats, see the advanced documentation.

Department Printing
This option allows you to print labels from All Departments or to select a particular department from which you wish to have labels printed.

This option allows you to print:-

  • All Product Labels prints a label for every product in the department selected, or for every department if "All Departments" has been selected.
  • Only Labels required prints a label for each product where the product details have changed, including price increases and decreases, within the selected department, or in every department if "All Departments" has been selected.
  • Increased Price labels prints labels for each product where the price has increased in the department selected, or in every department if "All Departments" has been selected. In some countries there is a scanning code of practice, which requires a retailer to give customers an item free of charge if the price scanned at the check-out is higher than the price shown on the shelf label. This option allows you to print labels for items where prices have increased before activating the price increase. In this way, you can ensure that the price on the shelf label will always be higher than the price at the Point of Sale.
  • Decreased Price Labels prints labels for each product where the price has decreased in the department selected, or in every department if "All Departments" has been selected. Shelf labels for items which have decreased in price should be attached to the shelves after the price changes have been activated on the Point of Sale to ensure that the price scanned is always lower that the price displayed on the shelves.

When you have made the appropriate selections, a Dialog Box will appear reminding you to insert the correct paper in the printer.

Paper Direction Dialog

Some label stationery must be inserted into the printer correctly, otherwise there will be print alignment problems. If you are unsure about which way the paper should be inserted, you can print one page until you are sure that you have the paper aligned correctly.

Skip the First XX label positions
It is unlikely that all the labels on the last page of a print job will be used because the number of labels required will not be in even multiples of the number of labels per page. This option allows you to start this print job using the remaining labels that were not used on the last print job. If the first 8 labels on the page were used on the last print job, enter 8 in this field, and printing will start on the 9th label on the first page. If you want to start printing with the first label on the page, then leave this field blank.

When printing labels for an entire store or department, it is likely that a large number of pages will be printed, and if there is a paper jam part way through fixing the problem may be difficult. For this reason, SELLmatix Control prints every page as a separate document. Following this reminder, you are able to select the printer and the desires pages you want printed.

When printing is completed, you may wish to reset the label flags on products printed, to stop reprinting.

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Reset Label Flags
Language Selection Dialog

When this option is selected, the above Dialog Box appears, allowing you to "reset" label flags on products. This allows you to reset printed labels so as to stop reprinting.

The options in this dialog are:-

All Label Flags
This will set all product label flags to the specified flag type.

Price Increased Flags
This will set all Price Increased flags to the specified flag type.

Price Decreased Flags
This will set all Price Decreased flags to the specified flag type.

Label Required Flags
This will set all Label Required flags to the specified flag type.

From Department
Selecting "All Departments" will apply the flag options across all departments. Selecting a single department will only apply the flag options across the specified department.

To Flag type
This is the flag type that the above options will be set to.

When the options are selected, a sentence will appear in the "The following process will take place when "OK" is clicked." box. This explains in plain English exactly what will happen when you click OK.

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Print Product Labels
When this option is selected, the following dialog is displayed:-

Product Label Dialog
When you select the appropriate paper type and click OK to continue the following Dialog is displayed.

Paper Direction Dialog

Some label stationery must be inserted into the printer correctly, otherwise there will be print alignment problems. If you are unsure about which way the paper should be inserted, you can print one page until you are sure that you have the paper aligned correctly.

Skip the First XX label positions
It is unlikely that all the labels on the last page of a print job will be used because the number of labels required will not be in even multiples of the number of labels per page. This option allows you to start this print job using the remaining labels that were not used on the last print job. If the first 8 labels on the page were used on the last print job, enter 8 in this field, and printing will start on the 9th label on the first page. If you want to start printing with the first label on the page, then leave this field blank.

When printing labels for an entire store or department, it is likely that a large number of pages will be printed, and if there is a paper jam part way through fixing the problem may be difficult. For this reason, SELLmatix Control prints every page as a separate document. Following this reminder, you are able to select the printer and the desires pages you want printed.

When printing is completed, you may wish to reset the label flags on products printed, to stop reprinting.

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Print Customer Cards
Customer Card Dialog

When this option is selected, the above Dialog Box appears allowing you to choose various options for printing Customer Cards. Customer cards usually contain a barcode, which contains the customer's account number with the store. This allows the correct customer to be selected easily at the Point of Sale reducing keying errors and making transaction processing faster. The following label printing options are available:-

Customer Card format
SELLmatix Control allows an unlimited number of customer card layouts to be used. This option allows you to select the layout you wish to use. For information on modifying customer card layouts or creating new customer card formats, please click here...

Select Customer
Allows you to select the customers you wish to print cards for. You can select multiple customers by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the desired customers.

When you select the appropriate details and click OK to continue the following Dialog is displayed.

Paper Direction Dialog

Some label stationery must be inserted into the printer correctly, otherwise there will be print alignment problems. If you are unsure about which way the paper should be inserted, you can print one page until you are sure that you have the paper aligned correctly.

Skip the First XX label positions
It is unlikely that all the labels on the last page of a print job will be used because the number of labels required will not be in even multiples of the number of labels per page. This option allows you to start this print job using the remaining labels that were not used on the last print job. If the first 8 labels on the page were used on the last print job, enter 8 in this field, and printing will start on the 9th label on the first page. If you want to start printing with the first label on the page, then leave this field blank.

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Print Clerk Cards
When this option is selected, the following Dialog Box appears allowing you to choose various options for printing Clerk Cards. Clerk cards usually contain a barcode, which contains the Clerk's login code. This allows the clerk to login easily and makes transaction processing faster. The following printing options are available:-

Clerk Card Dialog

Clerk Card format
SELLmatix Control allows an unlimited number of Clerk card layouts to be used. This option allows you to select the layout you wish to use. For information on modifying Clerk card layouts or creating new Clerk card formats, please refer to the advanced documentation.

Select Clerk
Allows you to select the customers you wish to print cards for. You can select multiple customers by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the desired Clerks.

When you select the appropriate details and click OK to continue the following Dialog is displayed.

Paper Direction Dialog

Some label stationery must be inserted into the printer correctly, otherwise there will be print alignment problems. If you are unsure about which way the paper should be inserted, you can print one page until you are sure that you have the paper aligned correctly.

Skip the First XX label positions
It is unlikely that all the labels on the last page of a print job will be used because the number of labels required will not be in even multiples of the number of labels per page. This option allows you to start this print job using the remaining labels that were not used on the last print job. If the first 8 labels on the page were used on the last print job, enter 8 in this field, and printing will start on the 9th label on the first page. If you want to start printing with the first label on the page, then leave this field blank.

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