Train Operators
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Operator training should be performed by the site Super User that administers the system, not an outside training and support personnel. Over time, existing staff will leave, new staff will be hired, and if outside trainers are required each time staff changes are made, the procedure will be expensive and slower.

Another reason why operator training should be performed by the Super User is that operational procedures vary widely from site to site according to management decisions, and what needs to be taught on one site is different from what needs to be taught on other sites.

In addition, the functions performed by the users will vary. Some will be required to merely operate Point of Sale Terminals, while others will need to perform updates on Control and have greater responsibility.

Another important feature of staff training is that when the system is first installed, this training will often alert you to features which have not been set up. It is surprising how often staff will think of things that occur during routine operations that management and installers have missed, and this staff training provides the opportunity to fine tune the implementation.

Prior to doing the staff training, you should carefully consider the functions that the operators will need to perform, and prepare the training session.

Training operators is fairly straight forward because existing operators are familiar with the business and familiar with Cash Register Operations. Consequently operators can normally be trained very quickly.

More advanced information on training techniques is covered in Training Users.

After the training has been performed, the operators should be allowed to "play" with the system running test transactions. It is a good idea if they practice performing the same transactions on the new POS system at the same time as performing the transactions on the old system for a few days until they are comfortable with the new system.

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