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Product File
Department File
Customer File


When creating templates used to import and export data from SELLmatix, or various other advanced configuration options, it is necessary to know the name of the SELLmatix database field from which extract or store data.

This information is not required for normal use of SELLmatix, but is required when setting up templates so that tasks can be automated.

This page shows the fieldnames used in various SELLmatix database fields, and a description of the data which these fields contain.

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Fields in Product Masterfile
The following fields are stored in the SELLmatix Product Masterfile (invm.mas). These fields can be used when importing and exporting records, and the fieldnames are generally specified inside % characters so that the barcode field would be shown as %BARCODE%.

Note that database field names are all UPPER CASE and have no leading or trailing blanks. Field names must be specified exactly as shown below.

Fieldname Fld # Data
BARCODE 0 The barcode number of the item or PLU number
DESC 1 Item description as it appears on screen and receipts
ALT DESC 2 Optional Alternate Description, can be in a second language and used on kitchen printers
MASTERPROD 3 Optional Barcode number of master product, used if this product is an alias for another item. This allows multiple barcodes for a single master PLU
DEPT CODE 4 Code for the department to which this product belongs
PROD TYPE 5 Product Type, such as Unit Priced, Weighed, Barcode Price, or Product Alias
ORDER DEV 6 Indicates which device (kitchen printer) prints an order for this item when sold
MENU FLAG 7 Flags if this item appears on the Sell Menu to allow sales of the items from the menu
SELL PRICE 8 Standard Selling Price
SELL PRICE 1 9 Price when Price Level 1 is used on a terminal. If blank, the next lowest level is used.
SELL PRICE 2 10 Price when Price Level 2 is used on a terminal. If blank, the next lowest level is used.
SELL PRICE 3 11 Price when Price Level 3 is used on a terminal. If blank, the next lowest level is used.
SELL PRICE 4 12 Price when Price Level 4 is used on a terminal. If blank, the next lowest level is used.
DISCFLAGS 13 Discount Permission Flags
SELL PR INC 14 Flags if the selling prices include taxes.
TAXCALC 15 Flags if a tax rate table entry applies, or a tax rate is specified for the item.
SELL TAX CD 16 Applicable Tax Code, depending on TAXCALC
SELL TAX PC 17 Tax % used, depending on TAXCALC
SUPP CODE 18 Supplier Code
SUPP NAME 19 Supplier Name
SUPP PART 20 Part number used by supplier. May be the code used for carton quantities.
SOURCE FLAG 21 Rarely Used
BUY UNIT 22 If bought by case containing 24, then 24 would be the buy unit.
BUY MIN 23 If the minimum buy quantity was 2 cases, and each case contained 24 items, the min buy would be 48
REORD LVL 24 Reorder recommend when the quantity on hand is at or below this level
COST 25 Normal Cost Price
COST ADJ 26 Adjusted Cost Price, including other costs such as freight. Can be used to generate gross profit reports.
INVENTORY 27 If this flag is set, the Quantity on hand is reduced when the item is sold, otherwise the quantity is unchanged If the item is made to order, eg meals, or you do not intend to record purchases is SELLmatix, then this flag should not be set, otherwise large negative stock on hand quantities will build up.
QTY 28 Quantity on Hand
CAT CODE 29 Category Code. Sometimes used where product information is derived from large warehouse databases.
CORE RANGE 30 Optional flag to indicate an essential item in the product range
SLOW MOVE 31 Optional flag to indicate an item that sells in low volume, but may be essential in product range.
FINELINE CL 32 Fineline Class. Sometimes used where product information is derived from large warehouse databases.
TUN CODE 33 Trade Unit Number Code. Sometimes used where product information is derived from large warehouse databases.
LABELREQ 34 Internally used flag to indicate that a shelf label is required.
LABELFORMAT 35 The name of the product label format to be used when/if printing product labels for this item.
LABELQTY 36 Quantity of product labels awaiting printing for this item.
CUSTFLD1 37 Custom data field 1
CUSTFLD2 38 Custom Data Field 2
TIMESTAMP 39 Automatically generated timestamp of when this record was last updated
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Fields in Department Masterfile
The following fields are stored in the SELLmatix Department Masterfile (dept.mas). These fields can be used when importing and exporting records, and the fieldnames are generally specified inside % characters so that the barcode field would be shown as %DEPTNAME%.

Note that database field names are all UPPER CASE and have no leading or trailing blanks. Field names must be specified exactly as shown below.

Fieldname Data
DEPTNO Department Number
DEPTNAME Department Name
MENU FLAG Flags that this Department should appear as a First Level Option on the Sell Menu of POS Terminals. If items from this department are to be sold using a Menu Option, then the Department must also appear on the menu.
DISC GROUP 1 Discount percentage given to customers who belong to this discount group when purchasing products from this department.
DISC GROUP 2 Discount percentage given to customers who belong to this discount group when purchasing products from this department.
DISC GROUP 3 Discount percentage given to customers who belong to this discount group when purchasing products from this department.
DISC GROUP 4 Discount percentage given to customers who belong to this discount group when purchasing products from this department.
DISC GROUP 5 Discount percentage given to customers who belong to this discount group when purchasing products from this department.
TAX INC DEF Specifies whether items in the department normally have taxes included in the price. This can be overridden for particular products in the product record.
INV DEFAULT Specifies whether items in this department normally have the stock on hand quantities tracked by SELLmatix. This default can be overridden in the product record.
SALELIMIT Reserved. Do not use.
STDPRICE Reserved. Do not use.
CUSTOM1 First Custom defined field. This is generally used to specify general ledger account numbers when importing and exporting data from accounting packages, and depends on how the accounting system is set up.
CUSTOM2 Second Custom defined field. This is generally used to specify general ledger account numbers when importing and exporting data from accounting packages, and depends on how the accounting system is set up.
CUSTOM3 Third Custom defined field. This is generally used to specify general ledger account numbers when importing and exporting data from accounting packages, and depends on how the accounting system is set up.
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Fields in Customer Masterfile
The following fields are stored in the SELLmatix Customer Masterfile (cust.mas). These fields can be used when importing and exporting records, and the fieldnames are generally specified inside % characters so that the barcode field would be shown as %DEPTNAME%.

Note that database field names are all UPPER CASE and have no leading or trailing blanks. Field names must be specified exactly as shown below.

Fieldname Fld # Data
NUMBER 0 Customer Number used to select and identify the customer.
NAME 1 Customer Name
ADDRESS1 2 First line of customer address
ADDRESS2 3 Second line of customer address
ADDRESS3 4 Third line of customer address
ADDRESS4 5 Fourth line of customer address
PHONE1 6 First phone number. It is bet to adopt some convention such as Phone 1 is business, Phone 2 is Cellphone etc. but this should be determined by the site.
PHONE2 7 Second phone number. It is bet to adopt some convention such as Phone 1 is business, Phone 2 is Cellphone etc. but this should be determined by the site.
PHONE3 8 First phone number. It is bet to adopt some convention such as Phone 1 is business, Phone 2 is Cellphone etc. but this should be determined by the site.
EMAIL 9 Email address.
DISC GROUP 10 The discount group to which this customer belongs. If a customer belongs to discount group 2 and buys an item which belongs to a department where the Discount Group 2 discount is 8%, then an 8% discount will automatically be given.
CREDIT LIMIT 11 something
TYPE 12 Type of customer. Some customer types allow sales to be charged to their accounts, others only allow discounts to be given etc.
SIGNREQ 13 If this flag is set then a receipt will be printed with a space provided to capture the customer's signature, and the operator will be prompted to capture the customer's signature.
ORDERNOREQ 14 If this flag is set, the operator will be prompted to capture an order number when sales are made to this customer.
SUSPEND 15 If set, sales to this customer's account are temporarily placed on hold. Monies received from the customer to pay their account can still be processed, and any discounts allowed to the customer will still be allowed, however they cannot pay for the sale by charging it to their account.
DOCKETALL 16 If this flag is set, then receipt will always be printed for this customer, regardless of other receipt printing settings.
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